Welcome to Bruce Peninsula District School, home of the Panthers! 

Bruce Peninsula District School is a JK-12 UNESCO Associated School, Platinum EcoSchool and LSF Sustainable Future School. BPDS is nestled in Lion’s Head, Ontario on the Bruce Peninsula, a UNESCO World Biosphere located along the Niagara Escarpment.

BPDS is part of the Bluewater District School Board, serving the students of the beautiful North Bruce Peninsula. We take advantage of our spectacular natural setting with a focus on outdoor education through all our grades, culminating in our secondary Outers program and Specialist High Schools Major in the Environment. 

Even when we're not out in the woods, Panthers are active. Students take part in a wide range of sports, arts, and social activities. They also engage in a rich variety of academic opportunities, with teachers working hard to ensure that all students are able to achieve to their full potential. 

We invite interested families to browse this site or contact the school directly for more information about BPDS. 

Brenda Brewer, Principal
Breanna Heels,


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