Code of Conduct

Students will use acceptable language at all times on school property, school buses and during all school sponsored activities. All conflicts are to be resolved in a civilized manner through verbal mediation with the use of an objective third party, if necessary. Overt displays of affection are beyond the limits of acceptable behaviours. Handholding is considered the only appropriate display of affection for any student. Students will conduct themselves in a calm, quiet, orderly manner (i.e. running and yelling in the halls are not permitted). The BPDS Code of Conduct is derived from the Ontario Code of Conduct, Bill 81 - Keeping Our Kids Safe at School Act, Bill 157, and Bluewater District School Board Policy/Program Memorandum No. 144 “Bullying Prevention and Intervention”. It has been developed in collaboration with students, staff, parents/ guardians and the community.
¨ All participants involved in the publicly funded school system; students, parents or guardians, volunteers, teachers and other staff members; are included in this Code of Conduct whether they are on school property, on school buses or at school authorized events or activities. ¨ All members of the school community are to be treated with respect and dignity, especially persons in positions of authority. ¨ Responsible citizenship involves appropriate participation in the civic life of the school community. Active and engaged citizens are aware of their rights, but more importantly, they accept responsibility for protecting their rights and the rights of others. ¨ Members of the school community are expected to use nonviolent means to resolve conflict. Physically aggressive behaviour is not a responsible way to interact with others. ¨ The possession, use or threatened use of any object to injure another person endangers the safety of oneself and others. ¨ Alcohol and illegal drugs are addictive and present a health hazard. Ontario schools will work cooperatively with police, drug and alcohol agencies to promote prevention strategies and, where necessary, respond to school members who are in possession of, or under the influence of, alcohol or illegal drugs. ¨ Insults, disrespect, and other hurtful acts disrupt learning and teaching in a school community. Members of the school community have a responsibility to maintain an environment where conflict and difference can be addressed in a manner characterized by respect and civility.
All school members must: ¨ respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws; ¨ demonstrate honesty and integrity; ¨ respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions; ¨ treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is disagreement; ¨ respect and treat others fairly, regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability; ¨ respect the rights of others; ¨ show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others; ¨ take appropriate measures to help those in need; ¨ respect persons who are in a position of authority; ¨ respect the need of others to work in an environment of learning and teaching.
A school is a place of learning and business. Everyone is expected to wear modest clothing which appears neat and presentable. Any clothing that is not consistent with the moral tone of the school is prohibited. This includes items such as, but not limited to, beach wear, clothing which reveals a student's underwear (i.e. halter tops, tube tops, short shorts), clothing advertising alcohol/drugs or displaying inappropriate, profane, or vulgar slogans.  Head wear, such as, but not limited to, bandanas, visors, baseball caps, and toques will not be worn in the school office. Any questionable items will be dealt with by the school's administration.
The electronic transmission or posting of photographic images of a person on school property, at school events, and during school activities, is prohibited without the permission of the person being photographed, the principal or designate, and, where the student is below the age of 18 years, the consent of the parent/ guardian. Skateboards, snowboards and roller blades may not be used on school property. These items must be locked in the student’s locker during class hours. Secondary students may use music players, or similar electronic devices, at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Rules regarding hats and cell phones are also at the discretion of the classroom teacher.
It is the responsibility of the student to complete homework, tests, essays, and exams with honesty. The student will be informed, very clearly, about the definition of plagiarism. A student who is producing a research project will receive careful instruction about how sources are to be notated. A student who plagiarizes, or participates in cheating in any way will receive one or more of the following consequences: ¨ a mark of zero assigned to the work involved and no opportunity to re-do the assessment; ¨ a referral to administration; ¨ notification to parent/guardian; ¨ counselling and/or academic assistance; ¨ documentation of the incident. 
Rehearsals, practices, performances, games, competitions, club or team meetings and extracurricular field trips are all deemed to be part of the school day. Therefore, all regular expectations of the Code of Conduct apply at all times and in all locations. In addition, Bluewater District School Board Procedure, BP 6805-D “Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Substances –Students,” states: “Upon first offence at an off-site event, the student will receive a suspension upon return to regular classes, consistent with the disciplinary provisions of this policy. Furthermore, the student will be suspended from further participation in all co-curricular activities, including week-end activities, for 90 school days.” For school teams and dances occurring on-site the following applies: While participating in a school-sponsored co-instructional activity or dance, any behaviour that leads to the mandatory suspension, being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs” or the mandatory expulsion “trafficking in weapons or illegal drugs” or “giving alcohol to a minor” will result in a mandatory consequence (suspension or expulsion) and the student will receive an additional suspension from that activity, club team or school dances for: 90 school days for school dances (if the infraction occurs near the end of the academic year, it will be applied in the upcoming year until the full 90 day term has passed); 90 school days or the remainder of the season, whichever comes first for a school team or club. The suspension from a specific team, organized group or type of event will not extend to other teams, groups or events. For overnight trips students and their parents/guardian will be asked to sign and return Bluewater Field Trip Behaviour Contract as per BWDSB field trip procedure (AP 5206-D). Please note that any action deemed unsuitable or unsafe by staff/chaperones may be subject to disciplinary actions. The following consequence may be imposed depending upon the severity of the incident(s):¨ warning; ¨ further Administrative action upon return to school; ¨ participant required to call home (at their own cost) to notify parents/ guardians about the incident; ¨ participant sent home at the expense of their parents/guardians; ¨ denial to participate on the next field trip. CONSEQUENCES Many consequences have been identified throughout The Code of Behaviour. Where a consequence has not been identified, one or more of the following will apply depending upon the seriousness of the infraction: ¨ parent contact, which could include a meeting; ¨ detention; ¨ removal of privileges; ¨ counselling; ¨ withdrawal from a classroom; ¨ imposition of a performance contract; ¨ internal/external suspension from school and/or other reasonable consequences. Every attempt will be made to enforce the Code of Conduct for all students in a fair, firm and consistent manner. The staff member may consider a student’s previous behaviour, attitude and demonstrated willingness to improve when determining an appropriate consequence. Inappropriate behaviour, not covered in the Code of Conduct, will be handled at the discretion of the administration, in consultation with teachers, parents/ guardians, and any other professional staff outside the school deemed as being necessary. 
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